<aside> 💡

This site is built on Notion.

After reading, I recommend taking a gander at How To Use this site.



I built this site, first and foremost, to use as my notes. However, I wanted to build a public resource that, hopefully, provides value to anyone in the cyber, or a cyber adjacent, field.

I make use of databases to store all of my notes so that you, and I, can easily filter out information based on a set of criteria. I’ve also designed a guided navigation system that is modeled after the database, but is a more natural navigation method to related data.

Database Schema

├── Entity
├── Focus
├── Intent
├── Category
├── Topic
├── Resource
├── Architecture
├── Extension
├── Language
├── Operating System
├── Technique
├── Platform
├── Port
├── Service
├── Protocol
├── OSI
├── Technology
├── Function
├── Manufacturer
└── Model

The master database is where I enter pages/MOCs, but each column/property in the master is a relational link to another database. Each relation is a two-way relationship. Each item listed under master is its own database.

Pseudo Attribute Hierarchy

└── Category
    └── Topic
        └── Page/MOC
            ├── Property
            ├── Intent
            └── Resource

There is technically no hierarchy, but I pretend there is one anyways to organize data. You can easily reverse filter with my system. And you will see me do that on some child databases and MOCs.

Organization and Database Views

I will typically use category as the main grouping property, simply because it is easier to navigate and makes the most sense for me. In some specific cases, I will use another group when it makes sense, however this is a typical default for me, especially when using guided navigation.